
A Trip to Baegryeong-do Island (II)

Our daily routine on the island started from early in the morning the next day, August 1, 2009. It's sunny and breeze day. Shortly after breakfast with fish soup, we walked along the beach west bound over the hill to the core of 'Dumujin'. As we went down the steps from the top of the hill, we could get a splended view of crystal blue seawater and the surrounding rocks of fantastic shape, including the Candlestick Rock, Lion rock and Two-brothers Rock, etc., as well as the peaceful and nostalgic horizon. I can surely say it's enough to be called as 'Mt. Geumgang in the sea', in view of its breathtaking view. We started to look around every corner of this area, while posing each other to take pictures individually or as a group, before returning to our base camp at the village. During the bad weather with the gusting wind, especially in winter time, however, it's reportedly not allowed to have access to this area.
Around 11 o'clock in the morning, we went on board a fishing boat 'Parangsae-ho' to go fishing to the sea (offshore). Anothe reason for the sailing was for sightseeing, of course.

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