Shortly after checking out of the Holiday Inn, located in northwestern part of Manhattan, we took the New York subway down to Penn Station to transfer to the New Jersey Transit there around 10 o'clock in the morning. Though it's not easy for visitors to transfer from the subway to the transit, we were able to make it in a timely manner.
It took approximately an hour to our destination, Edison Station by the transit. And my old friend 'Youngpyo' were there to meet me. Actually he immigrated into the states some five years ago with his wife and a son. The next morning, we left for Philadelphia to meet one of our old friends 'Seunggu' living there. He moved to the state more than 30 years ago shortly after his marrige.
After joining 'Seunggu' we moved to LONGWOOD GARDENS, located on US Route 1, about 3 miles northeast of Kennett Square, Pensylvania, to explore a magical world of orchids and to have lunch together at the Terrace Restaurant in the gardens.